Fake reviews. Fake reviews everywhere

Originally posted on Thought Scratchings:
A wedge of authors have became popular against all the odds. A chunk of writers have sold material on the back of paying people to review their books. Some writers have grown their careers by selling books explaining (in detail) how they made their name, but conveniently the chapter describing how they initially paid for hundreds of fake reviews is missing. They…

It’s my blog and I’ll have a pity party if I want to.

As a struggling first time author, the publishing industry feels like this: Unapproachable, inviolable and just huge.  Trying to get an agent feels like you’re trying to contact some remote planet.  You’re speaking one language and they’re all distant and they don’t understand and they respond in another language and the only word you hear … More It’s my blog and I’ll have a pity party if I want to.

My hobbies!

You know, all I do on this blog is blab about my writing, and book and other promotions and stuff.  I think it’s about time I chat a bit about my hobby. I’m a gamer.  I love video games.  I play a variety of games, too.  Some hardcore, some casual and absolutely inane (Goat Simulator … More My hobbies!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Hello my wonderful readers!  I’ve been so busy these past few days just getting everything ready for Canadian Thanksgiving.  It’s this weekend.  We’re having the most wonderful turkey dinner.  Free range, hormone free turkey with all the fixings. Mashed potatoes, gravy, squash roasted with cinnamon and brown sugar.  Stuffing made with rosemary focaccia bread, brussel … More Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!